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(Loot) LopScoop App- Earn upto Rs. 1000 | No minimum redeem | Spin And win

Hello friends,
   Today I'm here with an amazing application named LopScoop. This is a free Paytm cash giving app. If you want to earn money online, then this app is for you. You can also redeem the earned money into Paytm and there is no limit of minimum withdrawable amount. So let's start the offer -
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How to earn upto Rs.1000?
  • First of all , download LopScoop app from the given link.THIS LINK
  • Sign Up using your Paytm linked number and log in to the app.
  • Bind your paytm account with the app by going to (My->Instant Money->Bind or change your Paytm account) section.
  • Then go to EARN section of the app. 
  • There you will see "SPIN WHEEL EVERYDAY", tap on it.
  • You will get one chance daily to spin the wheel and the earned money goes directly into your Paytm Account.
NOTE- You can earn upto Rs. 50 per spin / day.
  • You will also get Rs. 5 per refer.
  • There are many tasks there in the app, complete them,earn gold coins and convert them to earn money.
  • There is no minimum redeem amount. You can even redeem Rs.1 in to your Paytm wallet.


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